The gift of nature


Nature gives abundantly, and if we learn how to work with her, she can help us get even more out of our lives.

If we look closely at nature, you can see exactly what it does.
She always restores balance first. Areas where fishing is no longer allowed will be flourishing again from almost extinction within a few years.

And if we look more closely at plants, you see that if a plant is damaged, the essential oils of that plant protect the plant against bacteria so that it finds its balance again.

And once a plant is back in balance, it starts to flourish. They make flowers and fruits in abundance.

This is exactly what essential oils can do for us. First, they help us to regain the balance in our bodies when we have lost it (an imbalance often manifests in illness and health complaints).

And then you see that essential oil can help us to be more powerful and to flourish as human beings. And by feeling good we are also more attractive. Also, they help you to be and stay stronger in the flow of life


Loussanna and Willem-Paul

With over a decade of expertise in essential oils, we're a passionate duo empowering others through their transformative potential.

Our love for essential oils sets us apart, believing in equipping individuals to reclaim their power and architect their health journeys.

Through network marketing, we foster a trusting, supportive community focused on shared growth. Join us on this journey unlocking the transformative power of essential oils. Experience the joy of empowering others and building a thriving network. Together, we create a world of well-being for all.


Discover the undeniable allure of dōTERRA amidst a sea of oil options. Our oils embody a level of purity that is simply unmatched.

Discover the undeniable allure of dōTERRA amidst a sea of oil options. Our oils embody a level of purity that is simply unmatched.

Uncover the essence of true purity within doTERRA oils. Not only are they pure in their natural form, but the way they are extracted sets them apart from the rest.

In a vast world of essential oils, finding genuine purity can be a daunting task. Unfortunately, many oils on the market fall short of this standard. But at doTERRA, we remain unwavering in our commitment to delivering oils of integrity.

Join us on a journey to uncover the remarkable path these extraordinary oils take before they land in the palm of your hand.


Introducing the dynamic trio of essential oils—powerful and versatile! Allow me to guide you through their remarkable properties: sensational applications, enhancing both mind and body.


What is so unique about this oil is that it is grounding and a spiritual opener at the same time.

Supports happy healthy cells

Place one drop in the palm of your hands and then rub your hands together. Cup your hands over your nose and mouth and breathe slowly, to feel the grounding effect

Retail: 107,33

Discount account: 80,50

These 3 oils are in the starterkit the home essentials one of the most sold kits when people start using oils


Energises the mind and connects us to our inner sun shine.

Supports the cleansing system of your body

Add a drop of lemon oil to a glass of lukewarm water in the morning to start the day

Retail: 19,00

Discount account: 14,25

These 3 oils are in the starterkit the home essentials one of the most sold kits when people start using oils


Do you feel heavy? Overwhelmed and numb? Peppermint brings clarity to the mind.

Supports open airways

Put 1 drop Peppermint on your crown or under your tongue for extra focus during exercise

Retail: 34

Discount account: 25,50

These 3 oils are in the starterkit the home essentials one of the most sold kits when people start using oils

The next step


Do you want to feel?

Greater influence over your physical well-being.
Heightened mental clarity and vibrant cognitive vitality.
a profound sense of joy and emotional vitality, truly feeling alive.

Experience the remarkable power of essential oils, tailored to meet your needs! Delve into the world of oils with confidence, even if you're new to the journey. Allow us to be your trusted companion, providing the guidance and support:

Online ebook explaining you how to use oils in the most powerful way.
( worth 30,-)
30 minutes one on one zoom call to answer all your questions and helpt you to create your own wellness rituals to empower your self most with te essential oils. (worth 150,-)

think in a neW way about selfwelness



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